Traffic Fines Effective from 1st Sept-2019
Traffic fines make everyone wary and that’s probably why they’re even introduced in the first place. Effective since the 1st of September-2019 and with the aim of enhancing road safety, the Motor Vehicles Amendment comes with new traffic fines and violation penalties you should be cautious of, as most of these fines have been increased by a large margin!
Especially for violations such as drunk driving, not giving way to emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire engines, driving without licence, driving while speaking on the phone, and driving without a valid insurance amongst other traffic violations.
Penalty for over speeding in a Light Motor Vehicle is Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 2,000, while it is Rs 2,000 to Rs 4,000 and impounding of the driving license for subsequent offence when driving a Medium Passenger or Goods Vehicle.