Home Driving Education What are the types of road marking?

What are the types of road marking?


Road markings are a psychological barrier and an important component of a highway, which function in guiding and controlling the traffic. It also channelizes the pedestrians and cyclists movement into a safe location ensuring smooth and orderly flow of traffic and for promoting road safety

Broken White Line:

Around the country, this is the most widespread type of road used. A broken white line gives you permission to change lanes, overtake and take U-turns. But you need to ensure beforehand that the road is clear and it is safe to perform such a maneuver.

Continuous White Line:

A continuous white line is a tad stricter. On this road, you are not allowed to overtake other vehicles or take U-turns. If you are on this type of road, just keep moving straight. Crossing the line is only allowed to avoid accidents or to take turns. These roads are mostly seen on hilly areas where there is a high probability for accidents.

Continuous Yellow Line:

On such roads, overtaking is allowed but only when you are on your side. Crossing the yellow line isn’t permitted for either side. These roads are usually seen in areas with low visibility to establish that you need to stay on your side of

Broken Yellow Line:

Possibly the most lenient one on the list. You are allowed to overtake, take U-turns and you could do both while going over the line (provided it is safe to do so).

Double Continuous Yellow Line:

Possibly the strictest road on the list. A Double Continuous Yellow line implies that crossing the line is strictly not permitted for either side. So that implies no overtaking, no U-turns or no lane changes. This pattern is usually seen on dangerous 2-lane roads where there is a high potential for disasters.

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