Home Driving Education How to Properly Use Your Car’s Side Mirrors?

How to Properly Use Your Car’s Side Mirrors?


First, make sure that your car’s mirrors are clean, free of scratches, and haven’t been damaged. If you were in a fender-bender that blemished or broke your car’s side mirrors, get them fixed or replaced before you drive the car again. Also, make sure that you’ve adjusted the mirrors properly on all sides.
Adjust Your Driver’s Side Mirror:
The best thing to do is to sit down in the car and make sure your side mirrors are all adjusted to your needs. The driver’s side mirror should always go first. The driver should make sure the side mirror reflects the road and only a tiny sliver of the car. The mirror should show the road next to you.
Adjust the Passenger’s Side Mirror:
From the center console, adjust the passenger’s side mirror so that it shows the road next to it. A small portion of your own car should be visible, but the focus is to show the area next to you without any blind spots. Your front mirror will already show cars behind you, so when adjusting the side mirrors, make sure they are actually showing what is happening to the left and right of your vehicle.

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